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BBB - Jardinets Guest House

BBB - Jardinets Guest House Hotel
Our Bed & Breakfast is located in Gràcia in Barcelona. This neighborhood is right in the center of the vivid city of Barcelona and well communicated with the other parts of the city. Many examples of modernistic architecture are found here. For instance the first house designed by Antonio Gaudí or the famous Park Güell. In the most important street of Gràcia, you'll find our Bed and Breakfast. The beautiful building breaths the atmosphere of the late 19th century, which also is reflected in the fabulous inside of our Bed and Breakfast. You'll find it relaxed and well preserved. We offer you in our Bed & Breakfast all the ingredients to prepare yourself a varied Mediterranean-style breakfast. We are confident that your stay in our Bed & Breakfast Jardinets contributes to have a pleasant visit to Barcelona.

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